Carlo Ratti

Privacy Policy

This page describes both the website’s practices on the processing of personal data of users visiting the website and personal data processing methods and purposes. This Privacy Policy has been created in accordance with articles 13-14 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 for those who interact with the web services accessible via electronic data transmission through:

This website is the property of CARLO RATTI ASSOCIATI, who manages and maintains this website with the purpose of providing information and communication relevant to the offered products or services. This privacy policy has been created only for the present website and not for other websites that may be browsed through our links, which CARLO RATTI ASSOCIATI is in no way responsible for.

CARLO RATTI ASSOCIATI located in Corso Quintino Sella, 26 – 10131 Torino – in capacity as Data Controller of your personal data processing, in accordance with and for the effects of EU Regulation 2016/679 – GDPR, with this page informs you that the said regulation provides for the protection of the interested parties as to the processing of personal data and that such processing will be based on principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your privacy and rights.
Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the applicable law of the above-mentioned regulation and the obligations of protection herein provided for.

Browsing data
In the normal course of their processing, the proposed IT systems and software procedures used to ensure the correct functioning of this website acquire personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but due to its very nature could, by processing and associations with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data comprises IP addresses or computer domain names used by the users that connect to the website, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of requested resources, the request time, the method used to submit the request to the server, the file size received in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful outcome, error, etc.) and other parameters relevant to the operating system and the user’s IT environment. Data is used only to extract anonymous statistic information on the use of the website and to control its correct functioning and is canceled immediately after having been processed. Data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical IT violations to the website.

Data provided voluntarily by the user
The facultative, explicit, and voluntary sending of an email to the indicated addresses on this website, together with the completion of forms that send specific requests, entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to reply to the requests, and any other personal data written in the letter or form.
Specific synthesis information is provided or visualized on the website pages, provided only for particular services on demand.

Apart from what has been specified for browsing data, the user is free to provide personal data reported in the request forms, to subscribe to a mailing list, to send a CV, or however indicated in contacts to solicit the sending of information, technical or commercial material or any other kind of communication. Refusing to provide data may entail the impossibility of obtaining the requested information.

Data is processed mainly via IT means and memorized on both IT and paper supports and on any other suitable support, in accordance with methods as per articles 6 and 32 of the GDPR and through the adoption of the suitable security measures provided to prevent data loss, unlawful or incorrect uses, and unauthorized access.
We inform you that, to provide a complete service, our portal may contain links to other websites not managed by us. We are not responsible for errors, contents, cookies, publishing of unlawful moral content, advertisements, banners, or files not compliant with the regulations of applicable law and not in accordance with the Privacy policy of websites managed by us on websites to which we refer. To improve the offered service we would appreciate an immediate advisory with comments on malfunctioning or abuses as well as suggestions to the following email address: Your data will be processed only by personnel strictly authorized by the Data Controller.

Processing will be carried out for the following purposes:
– to manage the sent CVs;

– to give the opportunity to access the public and/or confidential sections of the website;
– to execute the activation and maintenance of any possible services subscribed online or to send newsletters;
– to process requested information, quotations, technical support;
– to provide information on provided services and products and variations of products or services;
– to fulfill the obligations required by laws and regulations;
– to protect the Data Controller in front of the Court;
– to permit constant supervision of the effectiveness of the proposed service.

Personal data concerning the processing in question can be communicated only to subjects to whom the faculty of accessing your personal data is recognized by applicable law or secondary and/or community regulation. Your data can be communicated only to competent subjects who are duly appointed for the fulfilment of the necessary services for the correct management of the relationship, guaranteeing the protection of the rights of the interested party. Also, some data can be communicated and diffused to internet operators which CARLO RATTI ASSOCIATI SRL employs for the management of its domains. Your personal data will not be disclosed in any way. Your data can also be transferred, insofar to the purposes mentioned above, in the following countries: EU countries and the United States of America.

We inform you that in accordance with principles of fairness, limitation of the purposes, and data minimization, in accordance with article 5 of the GDPR, the storage period of your personal data is a necessary period for carrying out the requested services and in fulfillment of the applicable law concerning fiscal, tributary and contract documentation.

RIGHTS OF THE INTERESTED PARTIES UE 2016/679: Artt. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 – Rights of the interested parties

1. All those concerned parties have the right to obtain confirmation as to the existence or not of personal data that interests them, even if they are not registered yet, and its communication in an intelligible form.
2. All the interested parties have the right to obtain an indication as to:
a. the origin of personal data;
b. the purposes and methods of processing;
c. the applied logic in case of the processing carried out with the help of electronic tools;
d. the personal details of the Data Controller, of the people in charge, and the appointed representative according to article 5(2);
e. the subjects or subject categories to whom personal data can be communicated or that can come to the attention of it, in capacity as designated representatives in the state’s territory, of the subjects in charge or appointed.

3. The interested parties have the right to obtain:
a. The updating, rectification, and, when interested, integration of data;
b. The cancellation, anonymous transformation, or interruption of data processed in violation of the applicable law, comprising that of which storage is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which data has been collected or processed at a later time;
c. The declaration that the operations described in items a) and b) have been brought to the attention of, also in content, those to whom data has been communicated or disclosed, except in the case that such fulfillment is impossible to carry out or entails the use of means:
d. Manifestly disproportionate compared to the protected right;
e. Data portability.
4. The interested parties have the right to oppose, completely or partly:
a. for reasons legitimate to data processing that concern the interested parties, even though pertinent to the purpose of the collection;
b. personal data processing that concerns them for the purpose of sending material regarding advertising, direct sales, or research;
c. market or commercial communication.

The Data Controller is CARLO RATTI ASSOCIATI SRL – in the person of the company’s pro tempore legal representative. The user has the right to obtain from the Data Controller the cancellation (right to be forgotten), limitation, update, correction, portability, or opposition to the processing of personal data concerning you, and in general, the user can exercise all the rights provided for by articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 of the GDPR.

To exercise the above-listed rights, the interested party has to send a written request via e-mail. The e-mail has to be sent to: