Carlo Ratti

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(1.1) OP–EDs

Was uns große Städte versprechen
Carlo Ratti
Süddeutsche Zeitung
How can governments help make cities smarter?
Carlo Ratti
World Economic Forum
How can architects identify which disruptive technologies will advance our cities’ evolution and which will fall by the wayside?
Carlo Ratti
World Architecture News
Taking Rides With Strangers
Carlo Ratti, Steven H. Strogatz
DLD, Huffington Post
Così Internet cambia il turismo
Carlo Ratti
La Stampa
New era of self driving cars will transform cities
Carlo Ratti
The Straits Times
New era of self-driving cars will transform cities
Carlo Ratti
The Straits Times
Per progredire dobbiamo pagare il prezzo dell’anarchia
Carlo Ratti
La Stampa
La révolution des sites de notation
Carlo Ratti
La revolución de las calificaciones
Carlo Ratti
El Pais
How can architects identify which disruptive technologies will advance our cities’ evolution and which will fall by the wayside?
Carlo Ratti
World Architecture News
The Ratings Revolution
Carlo Ratti
Finanz und Wirtschaft, Ftchinese, Project Syndicate
A vida na cidade de Uber
Carlo Ratti
Jornal de Negócios
Smarte byer
Carlo Ratti
Dagens Naeringsliv
The Rise of the ‘Invisible Detail’: Ubiquitous Computing and the ‘Minimum Meaningful’
Carlo Ratti
Architectural Design
A Smart City Needs a Dose of Chaos
Carlo Ratti
The Straits Times
الحياة في المدينة الذكية
Carlo Ratti
La vita nella città di uber
Carlo Ratti
La Stampa
Un territorio pubblico da restituire ai cittadini
Carlo Ratti
Corriere della Sera
La vida en la ciudad de Uber
Carlo Ratti
El Pais
Life in the Uber City
Carlo Ratti
Business World Online, Project Syndicate, The Jordan Times, The Straits Times
Das Leben in Uber City
Carlo Ratti
Finanz und Wirtschaft
Governments need to be smart about the cities of the future
Carlo Ratti
Irish Examiner
How Africa’s cities are using tomorrow’s technology
Carlo Ratti
World Economic Forum
Architettura Open Source
Carlo Ratti