Carlo Ratti

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(1.1) OP–EDs

Les Expositions en tant que terrains de jeu urbains
Carlo Ratti
La Tribune
World Expos can give globalization back its mojo
Carlo Ratti
Nikkei Asia
The Endless Possibilities Of Open-Source Urban Design
Carlo Ratti, Daniele Belleri
L’Afrique, nouveau centre de gravité urbain
Carlo Ratti
La Tribune
Warum ein Stadtkonzept Verschwörungstheoretiker auf den Plan ruft
Carlo Ratti, Robert Muggah
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
The pushback against the 15-minute city
Carlo Ratti, Robert Muggah
The Boston Globe
Economia della Conoscenza: Lezioni da Cambridge a Milano
Carlo Ratti
Corriere della Sera
How Remote Work Withers Our Social Networks
Carlo Ratti
Bangkok Post
O que cidades podem aprender com o Venture Capital
Carlo Ratti, Robert Muggah
Jornal Económico
Ce que les villes peuvent apprendre du capital-risque
Carlo Ratti
La Grande Conversation
Kaugtöö mõju saab lõpuks mõõta
Carlo Ratti
Bogota, Helsinki, Singapore and Other Cities Are Learning From Venture Capital
Carlo Ratti, Robert Muggah
Bloomberg City Lab
La globalizzazione di nicchia
Carlo Ratti
La Stampa
Sõiduteenindajate koostöö toob tulu kõigile
Carlo Ratti
Reinventing Paris
Carlo Ratti
The Jordan Times
Uber, Lyft, and taxis: There should be an app for that
Carlo Ratti
The Boston Globe
Where is Dubai leading us?
Carlo Ratti
The Kathmandu Post
I ghetti chiusi e invisibili che crescono intorno a noi
Carlo Ratti, Richard Sennett
Corriere della Sera