Carlo Ratti

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(1.1) OP–EDs

Cities and the climate data gap
Carlo Ratti, Robert Muggah
Eco Business
Cities and the climate-data gap
Carlo Ratti, Robert Muggah
The Asean Post, The Jordan Times
Le nuove città invisibli: il modello Melbourne
Carlo Ratti
La Repubblica
Mayor Wu’s moonshot: The Boston Climate Challenge
Carlo Ratti
The Boston Globe
Can Barcelona create a new kind of tourist economy?
Carlo Ratti
Project Syndicate, The Business Times
An alternative mode of travel
Carlo Ratti
The Kathmandu Post
E la campagna va in città
Carlo Ratti
Treccani - il libro dell'anno
How Melbourne rescheduled its entire future
Carlo Ratti
Bangkok Post
Carlo Ratti says more
Project Syndicate
Project Syndicate
How Melbourne rescheduled its future
Carlo Ratti
Project Syndicate, The Kathmandu Post
The 15-minute city meets human needs but leaves desires wanting. Here’s why
Carlo Ratti, Richard Florida
World Economic Forum
Puntiamo sempre dritti all’obiettivo, ma non scegliamo la strada più breve
Carlo Ratti
Il Sole 24 Ore
Ir além da cidade de 15 minutos
Carlo Ratti
Jornal Económico
Helsinki rises to climate crisis challenge
Carlo Ratti
Bangkok Post
How the data revolution will help the world fight climate change
Carlo Ratti, Robert Muggah
Foreign Policy, The Business Standard
Helsinkis grüner Ehrgeiz
Carlo Ratti
Die Presse