Carlo Ratti

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(1.1) OP–EDs

Helsinki’s climate moonshot
Carlo Ratti
Project Syndicate, The Jordan Times
15-minutes cities’ are now all the rage, but are they ultimately liminting?
Carlo Ratti, Richard Florida
The Independent
Reimagining Brasília’s Modernism
Carlo Ratti
The New Dawn
Reimagining Brasília’s modernism
Carlo Ratti
Project Syndicate, The Jordan Times
Singapore is at the forefront of urban revolution
Carlo Ratti
The Business Times
Singapore is shaping the future of mobility
Carlo Ratti
The Asean Post, The Asset
Shaping the future of mobility
Carlo Ratti
The Gleaner
El futuro de la movilidad está en Singapur
Carlo Ratti
El Pais, La Nación
Perchè abbiamo ancora bisogno dell’ufficio fisico
Carlo Ratti
Plädoyer für eine Verpflichtung zur Stadt
Carlo Ratti, Saskia Sassen
Die Presse
Análisis: la idea de las ciudades pospandémicas
Carlo Ratti
Por que vagas de estacionamento sao a proxima fronteira urbana
Carlo Ratti
O Estadão de São Paulo
Singapore, dove inizia il futuro
Carlo Ratti
La Repubblica
The death of inner cities is greatly exaggerated
Carlo Ratti
Bangkok Post
La renaissance des villes après le covid-19
Carlo Ratti
¿Es el fin de las ciudades?
Carlo Ratti, Richard Florida
El Pais
Det coronaramte jobmarked kræver en ny boligpolitik
Carlo Ratti, Saskia Sassen
I saw the future of the university in a shared house far off campus
Carlo Ratti
Times Higher Education
The rebirth of cities after COVID-19
Carlo Ratti, Richard Florida
The Japan Times
The Case for a Duty to the City
Carlo Ratti, Saskia Sassen
Bloomberg City Lab