Carlo Ratti

Academic research

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(2.1) Papers

Carlo Ratti, Francesco Calabrese, Liang Liu, Giusy di Lorenzo
Estimating Origin-Destination Flows Using Opportunistically Collected Mobile Phone Location Data from One Million Users in Boston Metropolitan Area
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Carlo Ratti, Luca Simeone
Transdisciplinarity in Action: An Ethnographic Study of MIT SENSEable City Lab’s Organizational Culture
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Carlo Ratti, Prudence Robinson, Nicholas Caruso, Paul Lukez
Metro Area Planning Based on Contemporary Regional Dynamics
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Carlo Ratti, Anthony Townsend
La città intelligente nasce dal basso
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Carlo Ratti, Rex Britter, Bernd Resch
Live Urbanism – Towards SENSEable Cities and Beyond
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Carlo Ratti, Anthony Townsend
The Social Nexus: Harnessing Residents’ Electronic Devices Will Yield Truly Smart Cities
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Carlo Ratti, Kristian Kloeckl
Taming the Rising Dragons of Global Asia
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Carlo Ratti
Working group “Urban Europe, Urban Technologies – The City in the 21st Century”
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Carlo Ratti, Nashid Nabian
Město jako závodní auto Formule 1
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Carlo Ratti, Francesco Calabrese, Vincent D. Blondel, Zbigniew Smoreda
Interplay Between Telecommunications and Face-to-Face Interactions – A Study Using Mobile Phone Data
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Carlo Ratti, Kristian Kloeckl, Giusy di Lorenzo, Oliver Senn
LIVE Singapore! – An Urban Platform for Real-Time Data to Program the City
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Carlo Ratti, Fabien Girardin, Josep Blat, Yuji Yoshimura, Juan Pablo Carrascal
New Tools for Studying Visitor Behaviors in Museums: A Case Study at the Louvre
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Carlo Ratti, Assaf Biderman, Christine Outram
SENSEable Cities- Das digitale Netz der Stadt
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Carlo Ratti, Kristian Kloeckl
Connected Objects and the Senseable City
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Carlo Ratti, Nashid Nabian
A world of total recall
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Carlo Ratti, Assaf Biderman, Nashid Nabian, Francesco Calabrese, Jon Reades, Fabien Girardin, Andrea Vaccari, Francisco C. Pereira, Christine Outram, Prudence Robinson, Carnaven Chiu
Senseable City Guide
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Carlo Ratti, Francesco Calabrese, Giusy di Lorenzo, Daniele Quercia
Mobile Phones and Outdoor Advertising: Measurable Advertising
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Carlo Ratti, Francesco Calabrese, Massimo Colonna, Piero Lovisolo, Dario Parata
Real-Time Urban Monitoring Using Cell Phones: A Case Study in Rome
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Carlo Ratti, Assaf Biderman, Dietmar Offenhuber, Rex Britter, Eugenio Morello, Kristian Kloeckl, Avid Boustani, Lewis Girod, Malima Wolf, David Lee, Jennifer Dunham
Urban Digestive Systems: Towards the Sentient City
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Carlo Ratti, Assaf Biderman, Dietmar Offenhuber, Rex Britter, Avid Boustani, Lewis Girod, Malima Wolf, David Lee, S Miles
Investigation of the Waste-Removal Chain Through Pervasive Computing
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Carlo Ratti, Nashid Nabian
Virtual Space, The City to Come
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Carlo Ratti, Giusy di Lorenzo, Santi Phithakkitnukoon
Context-Aware Navigation: Improving Urban Living Experience with Predictive Navigation System
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Carlo Ratti, Francesco Calabrese, Jon Reades, Stanislav Sobolevsky
Redrawing the Map of Great Britain from a Network of Human Interactions
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Carlo Ratti, Kristian Kloeckl, Giusy di Lorenzo, Mauro Martino, Jennifer Dunnam, E. Roon Kang
Syn(c)ity: Visualizing the Potential of a Predictive In-Car Recommendation System
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Carlo Ratti, Assaf Biderman, Santi Phithakkitnukoon, Marco Veloso, Carlos Bento
Taxi-Aware Map: Identifying and Predicting Vacant Taxis in the City
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