رهنگ دﺩﯾﻳجﯿﻴتالﻝ دﺩرﺭ معمارﺭيیﯼﻱ )نقد ﮐﻛتابﺏ(١۱ […]Read More… from رهنگ دﺩﯾﻳجﯿﻴتالﻝ دﺩرﺭ معمارﺭيیﯼﻱ )نقد ﮐﻛتابﺏ(١۱
Smart toilets and sewer sensors are coming […]Read More… from Smart toilets and sewer sensors are coming
Learning from Tracking Waste: How Transparent Trash Networks Affect Sustainable Attitudes and Behavior […]Read More… from Learning from Tracking Waste: How Transparent Trash Networks Affect Sustainable Attitudes and Behavior
Traffic Origins: A Simple Visualization Technique to Support Traffic Incident Analysis […]Read More… from Traffic Origins: A Simple Visualization Technique to Support Traffic Incident Analysis