Eigenplaces: Segmenting Space Through Digital Signatures […]Read More… from Eigenplaces: Segmenting Space Through Digital Signatures
Named in “25 People Who Will Change Architecture and Design” […]Read More… from Named in “25 People Who Will Change Architecture and Design”
L’Architetto Volante: Piazza o sprawl? Sudafrica double face […]Read More… from L’Architetto Volante: Piazza o sprawl? Sudafrica double face
Construction of Digital Elevation Models for a Southern European City and a Comparative Morpological Analysis with Respect to Northern European and North American Cities […]Read More… from Construction of Digital Elevation Models for a Southern European City and a Comparative Morpological Analysis with Respect to Northern European and North American Cities
Senseable City (Digital Urban Modeling and Simulation) […]Read More… from Senseable City (Digital Urban Modeling and Simulation)