26 Empire State Buildings Could Fit into New York’s Empty Office Space. That’s A Sign […]Read More… from 26 Empire State Buildings Could Fit into New York’s Empty Office Space. That’s A Sign
12th Edition of the Global Annual Investment Meeting (AIM): Future Cities: Tapping into New Technologies and Navigating Transformational Technologies of the Future […]Read More… from 12th Edition of the Global Annual Investment Meeting (AIM): Future Cities: Tapping into New Technologies and Navigating Transformational Technologies of the Future
Harvard Italian Student Society Honorary Lecture […]Read More… from Harvard Italian Student Society Honorary Lecture
Assessing differences in safety perceptions using GeoAI and survey across neighbourhoods in Stockholm, Sweden […]Read More… from Assessing differences in safety perceptions using GeoAI and survey across neighbourhoods in Stockholm, Sweden
Perspective on the development of synthetic microbial community (SynCom) biosensors […]Read More… from Perspective on the development of synthetic microbial community (SynCom) biosensors
Happy Digital Cities X 2.0 Panel: AI, Big Data, and Sustainable Design for Happiness […]Read More… from Happy Digital Cities X 2.0 Panel: AI, Big Data, and Sustainable Design for Happiness