Measuring the impact of slow zones on street life using social media […]Read More… from Measuring the impact of slow zones on street life using social media
Foreign Correspondent Academician of the Class of Physical Sciences […]Read More… from Foreign Correspondent Academician of the Class of Physical Sciences
Tech+ Transform the Built and Unbuilt Environment […]Read More… from Tech+ Transform the Built and Unbuilt Environment
O que cidades podem aprender com o Venture Capital […]Read More… from O que cidades podem aprender com o Venture Capital
Ce que les villes peuvent apprendre du capital-risque […]Read More… from Ce que les villes peuvent apprendre du capital-risque
Understanding ridesourcing mobility and the future of electrification: a comparative study in Beijing […]Read More… from Understanding ridesourcing mobility and the future of electrification: a comparative study in Beijing
Master of Architecture in Collective Housing: Urban Design and City Sciences […]Read More… from Master of Architecture in Collective Housing: Urban Design and City Sciences