Istituto Italiano di Cultura Abu Dhabi webinar […]Read More… from Istituto Italiano di Cultura Abu Dhabi webinar
Can Open Source Hardware Mechanical Ventilator (OSH-MVs) initiatives help cope with the COVID-19 health crisis? Taxonomy and state of the art […]Read More… from Can Open Source Hardware Mechanical Ventilator (OSH-MVs) initiatives help cope with the COVID-19 health crisis? Taxonomy and state of the art
Roboat II: A novel autonomous surface vessel for urban environments […]Read More… from Roboat II: A novel autonomous surface vessel for urban environments
A Receding horizon multi-objective planner for unmanned surface vehicles in urban waterways […]Read More… from A Receding horizon multi-objective planner for unmanned surface vehicles in urban waterways
LIO-SAM: Tightly-coupled Lidar inertial odometry via smoothing and mapping […]Read More… from LIO-SAM: Tightly-coupled Lidar inertial odometry via smoothing and mapping