Reimagining urban infrastructure through design and experimentation […]Read More… from Reimagining urban infrastructure through design and experimentation
Visualizing public transit system operation with GTFS data: A case study of Calgary, Canada […]Read More… from Visualizing public transit system operation with GTFS data: A case study of Calgary, Canada
Population histories of the United States revealed through fine-scale migration and haplotype analysis […]Read More… from Population histories of the United States revealed through fine-scale migration and haplotype analysis
The effect of urban morphology on the solar capacity of three- dimensional cities […]Read More… from The effect of urban morphology on the solar capacity of three- dimensional cities
“Não se trata de falta de dinheiro, mas de capacidade de ação” […]Read More… from “Não se trata de falta de dinheiro, mas de capacidade de ação”
Hegra Conference Closing Town Hall: A Shared Vision for the Future […]Read More… from Hegra Conference Closing Town Hall: A Shared Vision for the Future