Urban visual intelligence: Studying cities with artificial intelligence and street-level imagery […]Read More… from Urban visual intelligence: Studying cities with artificial intelligence and street-level imagery
Tools and methods for monitoring the health of the urban greenery […]Read More… from Tools and methods for monitoring the health of the urban greenery
Quantifying Disparities in Air Pollution Exposures across the United States Using Home and Work Addresses […]Read More… from Quantifying Disparities in Air Pollution Exposures across the United States Using Home and Work Addresses
Comprehensive urban space representation with varying numbers of street level images […]Read More… from Comprehensive urban space representation with varying numbers of street level images
Air quality monitoring in coal-centric cities: a hybrid approach […]Read More… from Air quality monitoring in coal-centric cities: a hybrid approach
Hyperlocal environmental data with a mobile platform in urban environments […]Read More… from Hyperlocal environmental data with a mobile platform in urban environments
Roboat III: An autonomous surface vessel for urban transportation […]Read More… from Roboat III: An autonomous surface vessel for urban transportation
Key themes, trends, and drivers of mobile ambient air quality monitoring: a systematic review and meta-analysis […]Read More… from Key themes, trends, and drivers of mobile ambient air quality monitoring: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Assessing differences in safety perceptions using GeoAI and survey across neighbourhoods in Stockholm, Sweden […]Read More… from Assessing differences in safety perceptions using GeoAI and survey across neighbourhoods in Stockholm, Sweden
Improving NO2 prediction by integrating tree diversity, urban form, and scale sensitivity through mobile monitoring […]Read More… from Improving NO2 prediction by integrating tree diversity, urban form, and scale sensitivity through mobile monitoring