Touching Transport – A Case Study on Visualizing Metropolitan Public Transit on Interactive Tabletops […]Read More… from Touching Transport – A Case Study on Visualizing Metropolitan Public Transit on Interactive Tabletops
Digital Breadcrumbs: Detecting Urban Mobility Patterns and Transport Mode Choices from Cellphone Networks […]Read More… from Digital Breadcrumbs: Detecting Urban Mobility Patterns and Transport Mode Choices from Cellphone Networks
Sankey Arcs – Visualizing Edge Weights in Path Graphs […]Read More… from Sankey Arcs – Visualizing Edge Weights in Path Graphs
Urban Digestive Systems: Towards the Sentient City […]Read More… from Urban Digestive Systems: Towards the Sentient City
WikiCity: Connecting the Tangible and the Virtual Realm of a City […]Read More… from WikiCity: Connecting the Tangible and the Virtual Realm of a City
New York Talk Exchange: A Project for MoMA […]Read More… from New York Talk Exchange: A Project for MoMA